Monday, May 31, 2010

Heartwarming and Whimsical Notecards

An artist friend of mine, Bari Weissman, produces a wonderful line of greetings cards through her company Barely Ink. Each card shows a very cute animal scene, drawn in her soft pencil style. I love the flying bunny, and the rabbit riding the horse "Paul Revere style" on the starry night. Each card tells a little story of its own, and each will bring a smile to your face. They are perfect for any occasion. Available through Etsy.

Friday, March 19, 2010

What do we love about our family?

As spring approaches, I find myself reflecting on what I love about my family, my yard and my life. I love how the iris are starting to peek out of the ground, just the beginning of what is to come. The beautiful show they will give is so worth their wait. I love going for walks with my children. The air is so fresh. The sky this week has been spectacular. I have been really trying this week to focus on what matters most, my family. And spend less time worry about what is next. Living in the moment, now that is nice.